One note, I dont have many pictures here. I found out quickly moving servers slicing meat on your plate then quickly moving in a dim room makes for very hard photo taking.
Rodizio Grill – the place where meatetarians gather
For a meaty good time, you can’t beat the Rodizio Grill located on Wynkoop ( The place is buzzing with activity. Once you’re seated, your server will give you the lowdown for the evening. Placed on your table is this wooden red/green bauble, which they call the “cue”. If the green is placed up, that means food is coming. If the red is up, that means you are so full, you can’t eat another bite. If you lay the bauble on its side, that means you’re ready for dessert or the check. But, you can always go “green” again.
For those of you who haven’t been there, the meat is flowing freely throughout the room with the servers coming to you. All you have to do is raid the salad bar. Everything else is delivered to your table.
You start out with Bananas Frita (deep fried bananas that were delicious), and Pao De Queijo (cheesy bread - not so delicious, but really, you’re there for the meat-a-ganza).
The first server has Assado (Brazilian Pot Roast served with potatoes, carrots and onions) followed by the next server who has Coracao (chicken hearts), then yet another server with Peru Com Bacon (chicken wrapped in bacon). What an auspicious start. But wait, the meat keeps coming (put the green bauble down!). Picanha (sirloin), Tomate Grelhado Com Parmesao (fried tomatoes), 3 x 1 Chef Special (whole sirloin with garlic butter), Abacaxi (fresh glazed pineapple). Red!!
The servers have skewers and slide your meat onto your waiting plate. The top sirloin with garlic was our favorite; you could smell the garlic from across the table. But, we didn’t know what else was to come.
Green again. Sobre Coxa (marinated chicken), Linguica (pork sausage), Fraldinha (beef tenderloin, Presunto (glazed ham), Lombo (pork loin), and Peru Com Bacon (turkey wrapped in bacon). And we did try every single thing. The ham was delicious, moist and tender. I looked over once at my friend’s plate and it was overflowing in meat….he was the last man standing! The rest of us “meatetarians” had given up by then. We were saving room for dessert.
We had six choices for dessert. Our tummies were full, but our eyes were telling us, “dessert”. So, we had to try it. We ordered 3 for the table: Royal Brigadeiro Banana Sundae (Brazilian chocolate cake toppled with ice cream, sliced bananas, an avalanche of Brigadeiro sauce, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry! Rabanada (warm cinnamon pastry with a creamy center, served with vanilla ice cream and laced with caramel sauce). The last was like a key lime pie (sorry I don’t have the Brazilian name for it).
If you leave the Rodizio Grill hungry, you only have yourself to blame. It’s Meat-a-Palooza every night there with good friends, good food, you can’t afford to not go.
We all had a wonderful time and came away very stuffed and thinking only of salads for a few days afterword. As always thanks for coming by and if you have any questions or comments or just want to chat we would love to hear from you.
Barb and Jonathan