=" /> The Mile High Eater: Aug 24, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

End of Summer thank you.

Hi all

As summer winds down I would like to take a moment to say a few words and give a word of thanks to two chefs. I don’t know if I had mentioned it before but both Barb and I are Librarians by profession and this summer two chefs came down to the Library I work at to do a presentations for our patron’s. The chefs both donated their time from their busy schedule and I just wanted to say thank you to both.

The first one was chef Ian Kleinman from O’s restaurant who did a wonderful presentation for the children that both entertained the kids and encouraged them to look at science in a different way. It has been several months now since he did that but the fact that I still have children come up to me and talk about what he did shows how very excited they were about it.

Chef Kleinman Made such things as Blueberry pop rocks, a lime soda pop, lemon foam and an incredible strawberry ice cream made with liquid nitrogen that each and every one of the kids got a chance to try. His display of Molecular Gastronomy and the encouragement he gave to the kids to learn every thing they can will long be remembered and appreciated here. If you would be interested in more info on Chef Kleinman and his wonderful food and science his restaurants website is http://www.westindenverboulder.com. Chef Kleinman also has a blog that is allot of fun to look at www.food102.blogspot.com. And additionally we did an article or two in our blog here http://www.milehigheater.com/search?q=o%27s.

The second chef that came down to talk to the adults was Chef Skokan of the Black Cat in Boulder. He came to speak about his cooking philosophy as well as sustainable agriculture and farm to table cooking. Chef Skokan if you did not already know has a newly acquired 10 acre farm which the produce from he uses in his restaurant as well as donating to local food banks. He is as passionate about his farm as he is about his food and we had people drive in from 50 miles off to hear him talk and all found his talk to be educational and enlightening.

Chef Skokan’s website is at www.blackcatboulder.com you can go to his great restaurant in boulder or visit his booth at the boulder farmers market. We have articles about him as well http://www.milehigheater.com/search?q=black+cat . Thank you again chef Skokan.

Thanks all for stopping by our Colorado food and dining blog I hope everyone had a great summer and as always if have any questions or comments feel free to leave them here or email us at jonathan or barb @milehigheater.com