=" /> The Mile High Eater: Aug 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Harvest Week Preview

Jonathan and I had the opportunity to go to the Harvest Week kick off event on Sunday night and taste a few tidbits from the participating restaurants. It was held at Balisteri Vineyards and really it was kind of odd to be driving along I-25 in the middle of Denver, get off an exit and suddenly there to be grape vines and a vineyard. They have tours and tastings 7 days a week. The food was set up in shelters outside the vinayards office. We felt like we were guests on "Top Chef" going from table to table to partake.

We had about 8 different treats and a couple of drinks (yes, us! We hardly ever really go in for the wine or alcohol based drinks at restaurants or gatherings) and overall had a good time for our first real “foodie” event.

Harvest Week starts August 21 and run through August 27. If what we tasted is just a preview, then you should be truly satisfied at any of the restaurants you choose to visit that week.

Here are a few pictures of the food and drink items that the chefs at the participating restaurants had out to sample.

Colorado Sous vide Lamb Loin with Colorado Corn Fritter and House Smoked BBQ Gastric
from Chef Chuck James of 1515 restaurant

Colorado Peach Bruschetta with Leopold's Peach Whisky
from Chef Daniel Asher of Root Down

Cold Olathe Corn Soup with smoked Haystack Mountain goat cheese
from Chef Goose Sorenson from Solera

Smith Farms Rocky Ford Cantaloupe Soup, Ugly Goat Dairy Goat Feta, Greek Yogurt, Verde Farms Lemon Balm
From Chef Paul C. Reilly, Encore

Il Mondo Vechio Bresaola with Colorado Melon and Verde Farms Micro Basil
from Chef Matt Selby of Vesta Dipping Grill

Olive Oil Poached Alamosa Striped Bass with Colorado Sweet Corn Fennel and Onion Relish, Arugula and Charred Colorado Peach Whisky Jam
from Chef Brandon Doyle from Jonesy's Eat Bar
(Our favorite dish of the evening)

Buffalo Bratwust with Mustard Sauerkraut and Lamb Merguez with Harissa
From Chef Jeff Bolton of Second Home

Jumping Goat Cheese Cake with a Balsamic Reduction and Berry Patch Cherry Tart
from Chef Charley Sinden, The Lobby

We had two drinks, and the one that really stood out was a mixture of peach puree, ginger syrup and rum and not any rum it was made with Montanya Run, a local rum made here in Colorado. Who knew we had a local rum brewery? I am going to try to contact them and get the recipe for this drink, as it was one of those drinks that make you want MORE.

Chef Matt Selby of Vesta Dipping Grill and Chef Brendon Doyle of Jonesy's.

Thanks for stopping by our Colorado based restaurant and food review blog. If you have any questions, please contact us here or at jonathan or barb@milehigheater.com

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