=" /> The Mile High Eater: Le Bernardin

Monday, June 16, 2008

Le Bernardin

Hello again!

For our second restaurant we had lunch at Le Bernardin and once again I feel we got pretty lucky as chef Eric Ripert was there in the kitchen that day. The restaurant itself is a large space with high ceilings and felt fairly minimal after restaurant Daniel. One more general note is that though Le Bernardin does not feel as "stuffy" as Daniel it did feel like the wait staff were hovering a bit.

Ok first of all they brought this to start us off.

Le Bernardin appertizer

Ok two things WOWED us here this was one. It was a salmon spread with a very nice toasted bread sorry dont have all the deep details my notes I believe are in New York city . However I would want to say I could of made a entire meal out of this and they kept trying to take it away finally after they had asked about 4 times if we were done with it we let it go. I guess it was kinda like a tuna salad but with salmon it just delighted both of our mouths.

Jonathan Course 1

Le Bernardin Course 1 a

Stuffed Calamari was stuffed with crab and tasted great and the fried squid in the center. This had a wonderful taste and that fried squid had a great crunch. My wife however who is very sensitive to the texture of food found the calamari to be very chewy and that was a big negative with her.

Barbara course 1

Le Bernardin course 1b

Peekytoe crab and califlower this one blew us both away I could eat the salmon spread and this dish 7 days a week and never get tired of it. I really dont have the words to describe this dish the textures blended perfectly and the taste was just delicious. As close to a perfect course as you can get.

Jonathan course 2

Le Bernardin course 2 a

Monkfish with pepper and rosemary sauce and a black truffle foam. I loved the fish and for me thats a huge thing prior to this restaurant I would never really look twice at a fish item but this experience changed all of that. The sauce was so very rich however I found the foam to be a bit much for me.

Barbara course 2

Le Bernardin course 2b

Halibuit with lemon grass sauce
This was very yummy Barbara adored it. The rich lemony taste just paired great with the fish. I remember thinking I would like some shrimp to dip in it lol not sure why.

Jonathan's Desert

Le Bernardin course 3a

Rhubarb and citrus
Orange and grapefruit on a sauce of rhubab and a tastey little cracker with a coconut ice cream.
This was good but not great a little much on the tart citrus and not enough of the sweet rhubarb.

Barbaras desert

Le Bernardin course 3 b

Chocolate peanut
Peanut butter ice cream and a chocloate cake. Once again pretty good but not great the ice cream wasa bit strong and the cake just did notbalance it well. I am not saying it was not good but defintly paled compared to the other courses.

Send off


Ok we saw this come out and both of us were going OH OH could it be madelines like the ones we had at Daniel but sadly no these were good but I think the incredible Madelines the night previous tainted our taste buds and we just had a nibble or two and got ready to leave.

I will end up this issue with a picture or 2 of the restaurant sadly my picture of the chef Eric Ripert miss focused and all you can see is a blond headed blur. Over all a great meal. I would like to try it for dinner and go with the tasting menu someday but I doubt that will happen as if we ever make it back to New York there are too many other places to see and eat! As always I am going to include the price in here because I think this is something you have to consider. Total price: 143.06 for the two of us.


Yes that is a blurry Eric Ripert in the background.


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